2013年5月15日 星期三

jqtouch animation failed on iPhone 5

恭喜那些衰到要修改 2009/11 jqtouch 版本在 iphone5 上動畫的人

Gratz to those doomed to correct jqtouch (version around 2009/11 around) and lucky reach here

jqtouch (2009/11) 版本在 iphone 5 上面有一些奇怪的問題

例如 slide 動畫在 iPhone 4 上面可以正常運作

但是在 iphone 5 上面不行

jQTouch has some weird animation behavior on iPhone 5

kind of slide animation works fine on iPhone 4 but not iPhone 5




if’s wasy to correct in a weird way..

bind these link button an animation event with meaningless action,

sort like:

$(‘#somediv’).bind(‘pageAnimationStart’, function(){



$(‘#somediv’).bind(‘pageAnimationEnd’, function(){



這看起來像是jQTouch 對於有事件的 div 執行動畫時的方法不同


因此就模仿其他綁定動畫事件後正常的div 進行類似的動作

I guess this comes from jQTouch (2009/11 version) handles animation in different way with those bind page animation compared to those without binding.

Since this version is just too old, I don’t wanna spend lots time to track and find the bug, I decide to copy the actions from behave fine to those behave badly, and here is the result..

Quite easy code, spend 2 days tho.. because I tried lots normal solution on them but failed orz
